Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Shabbat Shira


sing through life
what you may perceive aint right
day and night
trapped in a vision blurred by the sight
of what the world says is right
can't move but you wanna fight
heavy sigh
pushing away the few rays of light
left and right
with all my might
i raise these fists
shatter the cold fright
fragments rearranging
intriguing me to write
make it right!
tune in to the sound of life
or melody
with these notes high and low
ancient song
rushing through these veins of mine
searching to find
as i
exercise my soul
reminding me of something old
yeah watch me grow
as i spread my wings
to the
depths of my core
watch me soar
with this niggun so whole
or holy
worldess chant can
reveal that which words cant
yes you can
breake down the wall
you see life for me is a flow
even that stroll
can elevate the cold
and mold the concrete floor
thats why the neshama made that journey for
down here to transform
the noise into song
my music sheet is the blueprint of the world
but even more
than what i am hungry for
is to
praise the L-rd as i feed another soul
love is not a one size fits all
may our tfilla soar
lift it up
lift it up
lift it up
yeah thanks mat for that
even when the notes are low
i must know
One who holds me down
at all times
Ribbono Shel Olam

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bati,
Intricate, deep, beautiful... Just like you, girl...