Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Poetry in Motion


like the black letters staring back
i attack
as i write
trying to clear the mind despite
heavy fog resting taking its time
i rewind trying to unwind
all the while sweet music creeping in
as i peep,
tzit tzit so discreet
please sit down you may have a seat
wish i can sing so sweet
but it is neat the way the words are
intertwined so deep
going back to the roots
pushing through the thick concrete
breaking through
i am trying to
oh yeah i forgot about the discreet
taking me by surprise
while i am being analyzed
at that time
my mind found rest on the face
hunting me from behind
all the time,
couldn't figure out why
would he say hi
on this crowded train
is he allright?
as i blush try to respond and stay
calm whith that image still in my mind
why at this time would you appear
is it not clear?
mazal tov does not belong here
though it is something i hold dear
still not following what is happening here
nor do i care
i declare
Yulia is not my name
interruption by the moving train
wishing i had a sefer to hide away
but you got off and that was all
until you greeted me with another hello!
hiding again by the books
much time passed not the same
diving in the sea of pain
heavy fog still lingering as you
brought up
something else?
how we met?
i forget
your name is zev?
nice to meet ya
give you props for being so
perhaps i will see you around
though not for me,
Hashem has big plans don't you see?
it must have been the new coat on me
pardon me
as i retreat
fingers going through the volumes to read
wishing this splitting ache would recede
as this journey continues for me
who knows what the next stop will be
please G-d
let it be
as we are all parked in 770
and all over
standing tall
but not thanks to me
singing loud
we want Moshiach now!


Kosher Foodie said...

Strange...interesting...I wish I could've been there, I'd do my detective work...hehe
One of my tachers said that actions sometims ar not the important part, the most important is the "WHY they happen"
Hey Shalhevet, u got some groove there!!

shalhevet said...


sherlock sit back
no need to unfold
not interested to know
why he is here for
let it be unknown
even for
a little bit more
im sure he'll greet me
with another hello
keter elyone here i come