Friday, January 4, 2008

Men are waffle, Women are spaghetti


even after putting syrup on top of the
waffle, it will stay put in that one box
no interaction with the other boxes.

when you digg into the spaghetti
well, there is no such thing as one string
it is all intertwined,interconnected,
one huge massive ball of constant energy and
multitasking a superhighway windows program
that even bill gates hasn't come up with.

well, that's because he is a waffle.

this was one of the highlights from last nights
nightlife with rabbi y.y.jacobson on the topic:
how do you know he is the one and the all so
known cliche that man and women truly are different.

but you haven't heard it quiet like this.

man's brain is like a box.
well, its more like the locker room in the gym
or like rows of file cabinets that must
not touch each other at any circumstance.
a man has a draw for the car, for the leak in
the bathroom, for the mouse in the kitchen,
for the plumber, for the mortgage, for the bills,
each in its own box.
remember the boxes may not touch each other.
when a man needs to open the car drawer, he goes
to that file cabinet, opens it, stands there,
looks it over, analyzes it, then puts the file
back,closes the drawer and walks away.

then he meets us.
the spaghetti.
where there is no such thing as one string not
touching another.
so the woman goes to the man and starts telling
him all that needs to be done and needs to be
taken care of. so she says she is hungry, so
the man goes to the drawer for food and pulls
out the file,then the woman continues about the
leak that must be fixed, so the man has to walk
back to the plumber drawer and open that file,
and what? ah, call the landlord, and pick up
the clothes at the cleaners, get the point.
poor guy is opening all these drawers and simply
cannot handle it all, because well, you can only
open so many drawers at one time.
next thing you know folders are flying all over,
and he is getting all nervous and overwhelmed,
like when you have all these programs open on the
computer at the same time and just freezes
at one point, cause it's too much system overload
and then it just

shuts down.

there is one drawer that the man likes to go to
and guess what's there?


thats his favorite drawer.

so rabbi jacobson brought it down how really men
and women are not the same, and a woman should not
think that when she hangs out with the girlfriends
is the same bonding as with her husband.
your husband is not your girlfriend.
us girls like to share and talk and open up and
tend to be emotional a bit,like to empathize, and
what is bothering you honey? with a mamacita is ok.
but with a man, well if you ask him you will most
likely find him in his favorite draw, and he
will tell you

it's nothing.

that's because it is nothing.

really, my favorite point that he said, besides the
above, going back to the topic-how do you know he is
the one - answer

it's a neshama thing.

ah, a neshama thing.

then he said something that simply made me smile.

shulchan aruch says that when a man and a woman
are in the same room, that in itself is romance.
when a woman is in nidda she may not even put a
plate of food on the table for her husband,
because that act is considered intimate.
there is something very innocent about the
laws that the shulchan aruch has that is truly
refreshing. mamash rejewenating.


Kosher Foodie said...

I am glad you went ;-)
Holy sis, have a great shabbos

shalhevet said...


thanks tzippy
good that you came today!