Sunday, January 6, 2008

Basi Legani


shabbat mevarchim

benching the month of shvat

erev shabbat with no time

i took the liberty to bend it

to shtretch it

to do what i want with it

ivrit tells me hour/sha-ah means to bend

you hear that time?

i am having fun with the ivrit!

no tic tac on my clock

it's not a weekend for me you see

it's erev shabbat

it must be all that freedom talk in the air

met an inspiring girl at the lermans shabbat table

reminded me very much of me

she was a diving teacher for the israeli soldiers

diving within seeking for the spiritual pearls

an entire new world lay hidden within those depths

a special set of tools and equipment is needed for

such exploration for breathing in the spirit of life

those tools and equipment are

the Torah we learn

the acts of kidness we do

the tfilla we daven

she had a name of a fish that likes to swim by the corals

and this fish brought with her the sweet taste of

Hashgacha Pratit!

i love that israeli accent btw

so we swam away to a lecture by rabbi jacobson

i would tell you the time

but well you know

swimming away with the waves of Hashgacha Pratit

all the way to the frierdiker rebbe

and a picture was painted for us very masterfully as

only rabbi y.y.jacobson can

jewish history he continues is very long

the frierdiker rebbe lived in the time when two ppl in the world

managed to eliminate an unimaginable number of yidden

btwn the stalin and hitler

there was plenty of spilled red paint in this canvas


and it's mixing

with these heavy black long charcoal strokes

and it's mixing more, and its turning color

and it's starting to spill over and drip

by drip

by drip

hey watch my shoes!

not on my shoes!

and the whole world

just steps back

well you know how much shoes cost?


but whait there is something else here

Basi Legani

ah, finally a garden

thank G-d

we learn in parasha bereishit on the last pasuk
of the passing of Yosef HaTzadik, as he gets buried
and placed in the casket, of these words we utter
chazak! chazak! venischazeik!


the previous rebbe who lived through such terrible
times, that one would think he would be a much
depressed person, yet he leaves with us

Basi Legani

that this world is an orchard

a garden

full with life, and color and it smells, and it's lush

and it's alive, and it's good, because the world that

the Abishter created is inherently good

it is His garden

rabbi jacobson went to speak to a school somewhere
where a different sect of chassidim lived, and asked
the teachers what their vision, goal was
after hearing this and that answer, the principal
finally gets her turn and says the following::
when i look at one of my students, i want them to
take this shalhevet, this flame that they have
and go and light and influence the world.

Basi Legani

and we swam some more all the way to an empire farbrengen

and took with us Basi Legani

and the girls listening where very gratefull.

hope i am not diminishing the power of this maamar
by the pshat written above. once i collect my thougths
and do mental comparisons with the souls that were there
i can perhaps make proper adjustments, and perhaps by
Hashagacha Pratis get to see the rabbi again.

1 comment:

Kosher Foodie said...

Gooooooo SHalheves, dive into Basi Legani, it is endless!!!