Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mazal Tov


after the shiur

went to 770 to say maariv

how foreign i thought

this feeling

not to be able to look down and see

see the familiar in the map of the world

atlas of the neshama

but i do see

heading home down albany

i'm a block away from crown

they tell me that's where the vort was

see something familiar standing out

just want to get closer,

but i can't

that's the pain

that's what's foreign

not to be able to see something familiar in him


because that's how it was

that's how he impressed me

so i lowered my hat

straightened my back and

kept walking...

younger sista's deep soul words

echoing in my mind...

....knowing that someone isn't

going to be mine....

....lchaim velivracha.