Sunday, March 30, 2008

Conversation with the Flying Rabbi :: Part One


maamar tetzaveh in one hand basking in the sun, waiting for the bus

from spoons comes flying out the rabbi

he stops, looks at me, comes closer and says:

forgive for saying this, did i see you before? in yerushalayim? tzfat?

yechi hamelech. i saw you at the record store down the block i tell him

did you get a cd from me? i speak about the lubavitcher rebbe

no i didn't, but you should know you are famous.

ah, don't say those things to me....

yeah, you are on you tube.

(he turns around)

and you are on the ny times

(he raises his hands puts them on his head, walks away)

ppl are looking.

maamar still in my hand

walks back to me, and says:

i shouldn't be starring, you know ppl think all kinds
of stuff, especially since i am talking to a beautiful
yound lady...i shouldn't be know ppl
here drive their cars, they look at me and think

what that you are crazy?

(he stops talking, looks at me and walks away)

then he comes back and ask me-what are you reading?

a maamar.

(he puts his hands on his head, walks in spoons and comes
back out again)

i want be married.

good, you should get married.

i was married in israel, she was 22 years younger than me....

nu what are you doing here? go back to israel!

yeah? you think i should? i am saving up some money, i want to get married...

a spoon employee walks back in from his brake upon
hearing this starts laughing, our dear rabbi starts laughing
too and takes it back and says---well, not right now....

why not i tell him, if you want to get married so badly
then you should say, i want to get married now! mamash now!
like we should say we want moshiach now!

ppl looking.

maamar still in hand.

flying rabbi flies back in spoons

then of course he comes back out

so i tell him, why don't you write to the rebbe.

in igros?

yes, ask for a brocha and tell the rebbe - this is what
i will do in return; you have to become a keli...

become a vesel...

yes, take something upon yourself and stick to it.

like what?

dunno. maybe you learn a perek of tanya a day, or put
tfillin everyday. choose something and keep to it.

he's thinking.
then he flys away.

the whole time he was flying in and out, he would look at
the floor or to the side, but never directly, well only at
the first encounter. he also felt like he was distracting
me from the maamar i was reading, like he didn't want to
bother me too much. which i found almost touching in
contrast to his 'wild enthusiastic' self.

what i was going over in the maamar was on the sfira of
tiferes-beauty, how the rebbe reveals in us the eztem of
our soul thus connecting us to the Aibishter, this in fact
is the role of moshe rabbeinu and more so connecting the
yidden to one another.
rabbi ginsberg elucidates how the essential point of the
maamar is the unification of the jewish ppl - where each
soul finds his/her unique voice and yet sings in harmony
with other voices.

as he flew away the last time blond peyos and all, he asks:

at least can i know your name?

Daughter of G-d.


Anonymous said...

...he comes back out...
Continuation, please!!!!! I had such a good laugh! So, what was the end of the story???

Kosher Foodie said...

oy, the flying rabbi, may he find his besheret soon, will she be able to catch him if h flyies too high though?

shalhevet said...
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shalhevet said...

yeah tzip
the flying rabbi was voicing that which
was silent within
that morning i had written to the rebbe about
the same topic.
here is this soul
screaming it all out
saying it loud
question is
am i?