Monday, January 28, 2008

Nisht tzniyus kinderlach!


11:am truly woke me up.
well for a little bit.
sundy allways tuggs at me why aren't i alert

rabbi paltiel teaching a maamar at chabad central
explaining how all the maamarim are actually all
from the alter rebbe, then suddenly something
made him press that stop recording button and
started registering this in my brain.

the benches on the third shul were all occupied
by hungry crown heights women and shluchos from all
over who came in town for the kinus
the benches by the rebbe's room were quiet empty
with the motion of his hands rabbi paltiel does
welcome ppl to come and sit in that area
BUT not just anywhere...

oh here they come
oops here they sat down
on the middle bench right behind him
not so far away and much more closer than
the rabbi liked
oh here he goes:
nisht tzniyus kinderlach!
you should be afraid of a man
granted you will marry one;
he steps away from them as the girls finally rearranged
themselves while the rabbi continued saying how
these thing should be instinctive in our part.
then he brought it down in a not so serious fashion
making a statement how he is indeed afraid of women...
as all probably know rabbi paltiel is very animated
when he speaks and very passionate especially this
day as he was saying those yiddish words.

it just made me think
how comfortable are we when it comes to tzniyus?
how comfortable are we with tzniyus?
am i so comfortable that i don't even blush when i
am in such vicinity of a chareidi man?
a man?
am i so comfortable that vicinity is not a big deal?
(and i am not talking about rush hour on the 3 train.)

midnight i walked home on crown street, a cop apparently
stationed around that area for the kinus walking toward
my way, almost scary looking he was mamash bundled up
all the way. but i kept my head lowered and he said
something to me, through his ski mask cap sounded like-hello-
it's not a brainer really
but what rabbi paltiel said rang so sweet in my ears


Kosher Foodie said...

hehe, yep, I remember the gsture from last year too, I am not sure if it was a regular day of the kinus...
Rabbi Paltiel is full of life and focus!

Kosher Foodie said...

now that the whole post is up.
I am glad that Rabbi Paltiel brought it up, he knows how it was in the old days, the young ones need to take a walk in monrow or in Kirias Joel, BP or williamsburg to remember the holiness of what tznius is...or used to be.

Anonymous said...

I love new images!!!
About tzniut - there is a book by Rabbi Pesach Eliahu Falk "Modesty - an Adorment for Life"... A must to read (at least some chapters - the book is really big). It will change the way you look at tzniut...